Power Quality Health Check

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Power Quality Health Check

Power Quality Expert developed the Power Quality Health Check in 2018 to be a singular power quality report writing solution for users of power quality analyser and power energy loggers, independent of the make or model of the instrument.

Power Quality Health Check operates through a simple portal interface allowing the users of analysers and loggers to remotely upload the raw survey datafiles directly to us. The survey data is analysed with a standardised power quality report produced and made available for download in PDF format.

The structured report documents recorded measurements of voltage, current, real power, apparent power, reactive power and power factor. Basic analysis of harmonics is presented utilising an intuitive traffic light system to visually indicate if levels of distortion require further investigation or are within acceptable limits.

Where areas of interest exist, the report will also contain commentary on the results to help you understand your measurements, propose areas for improvement and give basic advice on potential power quality solutions.

Power Quality Health Check supports a wide variety of power quality analysers and power energy loggers from test equipment manufacturers including Sonel, Fluke, Kewtech, Metrel, Elcomponent, Chauvin Arnoux and is available directly from Power Quality Expert or through our network of specialist test equipment distributors and test equipment hire companies.

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Power Quality Health CheckPower Quality Health Check